5 Self-Care Tips You Need Now

      With most of the world presently on indefinite lockdown, the daily routines of so many people have suddenly changed. So if you find yourself feeling anxious, agitated, lonely or bored from being indoors for too long, know you’re not alone! We're also experiencing this and this is why, to help you keep your wits about you through this quarantine, we’ve put this list of self-care tips that you can do now!

  1. Meditate 

While following the news and staying updated is necessary to know what’s going on with the world, don’t dwell too much on it. Take a break from it and meditate. Meditation is a great way to calm not just your body, but also your mind. So sit comfortably on a couch in a lotus position or you can even lay down. Once you're situated,  start by closing your eyes and begin to empty your mind. Then take a deep breath in and exhale steadily for a few minutes. You can meditate for as long as you want, it can even be as little as 5 minutes a day. Meditating daily can do wonders for feelings of anxiety and agitation! We recommend downloading the app called Headspace, it’s meditation beginner-friendly and free!


  1. Step out into the sunshine

Do you know that social distancing does not compulsorily mean locking yourself indoors all day? At least once a day, step outside for some sunshine. This will provide your body with the vitamins needed to boost your immune system and can also improve your mood greatly. Put on a bikini and lay outside even for just 15 minutes and you’ll notice how fast your mood instantly changes. If you’re looking for a bikini that won’t leave a crazy tan line, we recommend wearing the Piper top and the Bondi bottoms. But if you don’t mind having tan lines and want a bikini that’s comfortable and stylish, we recommend wearing our new Knox one piece, which is available in two colors: ribbed white and a zebra print.

  1. At-Home workout 

Exercising is a great way to strengthen not just your body but also helps to clear your mind. And since gyms are currently closed, here are some at-home workouts that you can do: skipping, bodyweight squats, push-ups, dumbbell rows, jumping jacks, and walking lunges. If you want a more guided or goal-oriented workout. We recommend Chloe Ting’s Free Home Workout Programs. She has a great selection of workouts that you can do depending on the goal that you want to achieve right now from a flat belly workout to even just leaning out your arms and best of all - it’s free!


  1. Start a hobby

Right now is the perfect time to start that hobby that you’ve always wanted to do but never had the time to do. Use this time to immerse yourself in creativity away from all the distractions of the outside world. Need help finding a new hobby? We recommend SkillShare, they have a class on practically anything so you definitely won’t have time to be bored.


  1. Communicate!

Don’t let this quarantine stop you from keeping in touch with your friends and family. Have video calls with them and maybe start a virtual book club and have discussions about the books or maybe reach out to old friends and new ones. It’s always nice to know that there are people who care enough to check up on you especially at a time like this when so many people are isolated alone but you don't know about it because you haven’t spoken to that person in a while. This a time that we should all come together and also support one another. Let’s just take it one day at a time and remember: this is a temporary situation that will pass soon! 


Stay positive!